Saturday, January 10, 2009

Chocolate Marshmallow Cookies (Part 3?): Fan's Attempt

2009-01-10 Kea's Cookies 1

I'm going to a potluck party tonight, so what better time to try Kea's cookie recipe? It was pretty much a breeze, but next time I may opt for a dark chocolate bar with less cocoa content. I picked a 100% cocoa bar. It might be a little too intense for some people (i.e., not hardcore chocolate lovers!). Of course, when the first sheet of cookies finished cooling, I had to test a cookie! It was "whoa" at first bite. Kea, this is an amazing recipe. I had to remind myself that I was baking these for the party, so after one more "test", I packed them up. I'll report back here if I get any feedback. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

2009-01-10 Kea's Cookies 2


Lana said...

Cool! This is my next baking project.

greeeenwithenv said...

UPDATE: They were a hit! Several people asked me about the recipe. There were only two cookies left by the time I went home with my container. I left them behind, but now I wish I had taken the leftovers with me!

Kea said...

Hey, real glad they worked out! Though 100% cocoa dark chocolate, whoah, even I can't handle that. I wonder, can anyone educate me on what difference it makes whether you melt the butter before creaming it or not? I hear you're not meant to do it with cakes, but it can be a good thing with cookies. Or something to that effect. Any idea about the science behind it?